Creating content during Lockdown.

Like many Instagrammers, when I heard that we were going into a lockdown due to the pandemic, I panicked. Not because I make a living from my insta account, it’s just a hobby that I enjoy but I have worked hard at it and I didn’t want to let that slip by not posting as regularly and keeping engagement going with followers.

My concern was, How would I create content that my followers would enjoy?

I don’t have thousands of followers, but I didn’t want to lose the ones I had by sharing the wrong content.

My content largely revolves around my travel and what I wear, but with my trips cancelled due to all travel being suspened and us unable to leave our homes that was no longer an option to create. I have a lot of unused photos that I could have shared but didn’t want to water down my feed with similar or inferior images so I had to think outside of the box.

I live in a very normal house in a very normal suburban town, so I had to get creative. It turns out that this was so much more enjoyable than I expected it to be. I was looking at my home and garden in a different light, looking at areas of a room rather than the room as a whole and slowly, ideas started to come to me and I started to produce images that I not only love and am proud of but they also reveal a lot more about myself and my personality than images of me standing in front of city landmarks.

The real silver lining is that the pictures were well received with my audience, my followers went up and I got increased engagement.

We’re now slowly coming out of the lockdown which means that travel will soon resume and I can get back to creating the content that I love but I don’t think I’ll leave the home content behind. I’m hoping that I'll still be able to incorporate them in my feed. I’m also hoping that this learning curve will change the way I shoot when I’m out and about, creating a little more movement and personality into my images and giving a little of myself away in the captions too rather than just stating where I am and what I’m wearing.

One of my first planned projects involved using a washing line to display some of my dresses.  I'm a terrible hoarder, keeping things far longer than required but at times like this I'm grateful for that. I Liked the idea of doing a similar image using just white bed sheets too so that it was really simple.

The bed sheets were then used in a later image where I created myself a den by pinning the sheets to my ceiling and put my daughters star light in there to create a galaxy. My face is lit by the torch on my phone, hidden inside a book.

Amongst all the random things I had stashed away, I had a collection of old vinyl. So I decided to blue tac these to my kitchen wall to use as a backdrop. I liked the effect so much that I've now replaced the blue tac with command strips to make a more permanent feature of it.

I also used the record covers, laid out across the floor for another shot with a bit of an 80's vibe.

Lot's of little challenges were popping up on instagram too, including the #loorollchallenge and #pillowchallenge so obviously I took part in these. My loo roll challenge coincided with VE day so I used mine to create victory rolls, thinking it a little ironic too, being victorious having got some loo roll because at the start of the lockdown it was hard to come by.



I created many images during lockdown which can be seen over on my insta page @welcometolennysworld.

Here are a few more of my favourites.

I hope you've enjoyed them and feel inspired to create something from nothing too.

Creating a home cinema (this is actually my daughter's room and it has a movie theme). A perfect excuse to dress up and eat popcorn. (Dress gifted from Coast).

Indulging in some classic English strawberries and cream in the garden.

Reconnecting with old friends, the friends here being my shoe collection! I was having a rare clear out so decided to use all of my shoes in a shoot, channeling Carrie Bradshaw as I reminisced nights out in these.